Hot tubs pip rival choices

Retailers have been boosted by a survey that has revealed hot tubs are in the top three of a dream ‘wish list’ of ten choices of extra additions to be incorporated in British homes.

Cameo,-Overhead-Family,-Lake-(2012)According to the survey by self storage service Lovespace, having space for a hot tub is the main choice for a third of respondents and is only pipped by an indoor pool and the number one pick of a walk in wardrobe in the top ten desirable changes for homes.

Figures from the study were released during the winter, following 2,000 adults being questioned about what they would love to have room for in their home surroundings. As well as hot tubs, researchers discovered that many home owners also have dreams of extra space for a pool table, a grand piano and mini bar. The survey also revealed that 41 per cent of men would choose a wine collection or microbrewery, while 17 per cent of women would prefer to have a tropical fish tank.

The top ten most desired items Brits wish they had room for are: Walk in Wardrobe (43.2 per cent); Indoor Pool (42.95 per cent); Hot Tub (32.30 per cent); Pool Table (26.55 per cent); Wine collection (18.40 per cent); Tropical fish tank (17.7 per cent); Mini bar (17.30 per cent); Grand piano (15.30 per cent); Microbrewery (12.85 per cent); and Model train set (11.2 per cent).

“The truth is that many homes could fit these items in, if people were more rigorous about getting rid of clutter, or storing belongings they don’t use on a daily basis,” said Lovespace Managing Director Steve Folwell.

HTR Editor-in-Chief Nick Clamp says: “This is another boost for retailers and showrooms should be promoting their space-conscious models to meet the demand from British homeowners who are wishing for extra space for a hot tub.

“We need to get the message across that there are many shapes and sizes of hot tubs on the market for most space requirements.”

Nick Clamp

I am the Editor-in-Chief at WhatSpa? Media Group and my job is to keep you informed about the very latest hot tubs on the UK market... the best job in the world! When I'm not being deluged with press releases and hot tub brochures I enjoy keeping fit and participating in endurance events including triathlons and distance running.
